
Solar Cost for $100 Electric Bill

Solar Cost for $100 Electric Bill

This is a solar power savings and cost estimate* for a $100 monthly electric bill.

A 4kW or 4,000 watt solar panel system could offset most of your energy use. Results will vary based on utility rate, location and installation factors.

Electricity Cost before going solar

This is how much you will pay the utility if you don't use solar panels. $100 per month, or $1,200 per year or $40,900 over 25 years. Don't forget inflation! Utility rates go up 4% on average every year.

Save $30,170 over 25 years

This is how much money you could save on utility bills AFTER solar power. Save $90 per month or $1,080 per year after going solar.

The return-on-investment (ROI) is a positive 13% to 25%.

The payback period is 3 to 8 years. The solar panels may work for 25 years or more.

Other benefits of solar power

Be energy independent and avoid utility rate hikes.

Increase your property value by $12,000 to $16,000 depending on where you live. Real estate studies show that a solar home can increase market value at resale.

The environmental benefits are priceless with clean, renewable energy. The solar panels for this size are the equivalent of planting more than 8,000 trees over the system lifetime.

4kW solar system

A 4,000 watt system will use from 7 to 10 solar panels. The modules can generate around 800 kWh of electricity per month on average (varies by location). The solar array will need 260 square feet of space on the roof or ground.

How much does it cost?

The average sticker price before tax credit is $7,500 to $12,000 for a grid-tied 4kW solar system.

The NET COST after tax credit could be $5,250 for self-installed DIY, or $8,400 for professional, full-service installation.

The total cost should include building plans, permit, panels, inverter, rooftop mount, installation and warranty.

Want another estimate?

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$100 | $200 | $300 | $400 | $500
$600 | $700 | $800 | $900 | $1,000

How to Get Started

Want a solar panel system at the lowest cost?

*NOTE: These are current solar price cost estimates as of MAY 2024. Amounts may vary based on your location and installation factors. The 25 year utility cost is based on a national average of $0.16 per kWh and a conservative 2.5% annual electricity price inflation rate. The estimated kWh produced per month is based on NREL PVWatts calculator; assumes 5 sun hours per day, array mounted at 180 degrees South at 20 degree tilt. How much solar power do you need for a $100 electric bill?