
Do I need a solar inverter with RGM (Revenue Grade Meter)?

An RGM (Revenue Grade Meter) is a meter that meets ANSI standard C-12.1-2008 requirements. ANSI standard C-12.1-2008 is an Electric Meters Code For Electricity Metering. It sets criteria for ac watt-hour meters, demand meters, demand registers, pulse devices, and auxiliary devices. In other words, an RGM sets acceptable performance levels for your solar inverter. It is production less consumption that qualifies for net-metering or Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECS).

If you read the above and are still left wondering if you need an RGM inverter, you are not alone. To simplify if you need to adhere to these requirements, it comes down to four questions:

  • Are you going to finance your solar array?
  • Does your utility company or a local safety agency require a Revenue Grade Meter?
  • Do you want your inverter to provide data on your revenue grade production?
  • Are you going to take advantage of performance-based incentives? For example, SRECS.

If your reply to any of these questions is a yes, then you need an inverter with RGM.

SunWatts can help you find the best RGM Inverter for your solar array through a Solar Design. Our Solar Design process helps you find top solar arrays for your solar needs and RGM inverter options when needed. At SunWatts we provide you with critical decision making information, so you know you are getting the best solar array for you.

Feb 12th 2020

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