
5 Steps to End Climate Change

Since the early 1800s, the threat of climate change has been, if you'll pardon the pun, a heated topic. But climate change is no longer a "threat;" it is already here. Just turn on the news to see the headlines, massive fires from the Arctic, Australia, and the American West. Glaciers are melting. Hurricane strength storms in Iowa. 100 year floods every year in coastal areas. We are seeing climate change unfolding.

In 2017, we officially became nearly 2o F warmer than pre-industrial times, which is pre-1750. Global temperature trends took a sharp increase in late 1930 and have steadily increased since then. The rise in temperature is growing significantly with each year that passes.

The increase in global temperature is caused by human-induced global warming. Our actions will decide the fate of the world, literally. Will we put our head in the sand and continue the rise of the global temperature, or will we slow, or potentially cease, the increase in world temperature?

If we make no changes, we will increase the Earth's temperature. If we make changes, we make it possible for a stable, adaptable future. But what can you do to enable this future? There are a lot of ways each one of us can make a difference. Let's look at the top 5 steps you can take to end climate change:

Step 1: Vote

End Climate Change

Support candidates who support the Earth. The choice has never been more clear. One candidate proposes $2 Trillion 

over four years to support the clean energy economy. The other candidate calls it a hoax and imposes tariffs on solar panels. How you vote will make a difference.

But it’s not just at the top. Call BS to those who deny the crisis. Look for candidates in the Senate, House of Representatives, Governor’s mansion, state house, and city council who support clean energy policies.

Step 2: Speak Up

Think about what is truly important in your life. Talk to your friends, family, even strangers about making decisions that are beneficial to stopping the rise of global temperature. Remember to support businesses that use renewable energy too!

Step 3: Be Energy Wise

First, learn how you use energy through an Energy Consumption Assessment. Discover simple tips to conserve energy by not permitting electronics to use power when not charging or using energy-efficient light bulbs. Once you know how you use energy, you can then learn ways to save energy.

Look for ways to weatherize. For example, air conditioning and electric furnaces can account for more than half of your home's energy use. Weatherize your home to keep it energy efficient, sealing drafts, and adequately insulating it to prevent energy waste.

Step 4: Go Solar

How energy is generated will make a significant impact on climate change. For example, an average 8kW solar array on your home will offset carbon emissions to the equivalent of planting hundreds of trees every year. You'll not only be green, but you'll save a lot of green by eliminating monthly power bills. It's a win-win.

Make the right choice the first time when you go solar to save yourself time, money, and stress. A Solar Consultation and Design by solar professionals will provide you with low-cost options that best fit your home.

Step 5: Buy an Electric Vehicle

Whether you are in the market now or planning for your next vehicle, there are many benefits to an electric car. It is more fun to drive, it's quieter, there are no oil changes, you'll never have to stop at a gas station again, and it doesn't smell. Best of all, the overall lifetime cost is actually cheaper than gas.

The average daily driving distance is well within the range of today's electric vehicles, with room to spare. By charging at home, it's like having a full tank every morning! For convenient charging capability, check out the SolarEdge Smart EV Charger that connects to a solar inverter. Harness the power of the Sun directly into your electric car. You will even feel better by doing it!

Remember, what you do does make a difference. For example, solar power and an EV can reduce your carbon footprint by more than two-thirds. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can make an impact. As individuals, our contributions to climate change are what matters. It has to start with us; if we don't make changes, then we bury the possibility of ending global warming. Be the change.

Sep 29th 2020

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