Mission Solar Energy Solar Panels

Based in Texas, Mission Solar Energy is a photovoltaic manufacturer of high-efficiency N-Type and P-Type solar modules. Made of American quality, all Mission Solar modules are engineered and manufactured in their San Antonio facility. Mission Solar Energy has been operating since 2014 and is a subsidiary of OCI Company, Ltd. from South Korea.
Mission Solar Energy photovoltaic modules are ideal for residential, commercial, and utility-scale installations. All Mission Solar products are subject to multiple quality and reliability tests to guarantee top-quality production. Their Made in the USA solar panels are backed by a 25-year performance warranty through Powerguard’s third-party insurance and a 12-year product warranty. Mission Solar Energy PV modules are Buy American Act and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act compliant.
In today’s market, Mission Solar Energy currently offers the MSE PERC 60 BLK, MSE PERC 60 WHT, MSE Mono 72, and MSE PERC 72 solar panels. The MSE PERC 60 BLK (300W-310W) features an all-black design and provides extreme weather resistance. The MSE PERC 60 WHT (305-315W) is a white back sheet solar panel made with PERC technology. Both of these 60 cell solar panels are suited for residential and commercial rooftop installations. The MSE Mono 72 (340W-350W) and MSE PERC 72 (365W-375W) are designed with 72 P-Type monocrystalline cells using 5 busbar cell technology. These XL solar panels are ideal for residential, commercial, and utility systems.